March 10, 2009

Ford, UAW cut deal on retiree health benefits

Ford has hit a home run in negotiations with the UAW, setting a precedent for GM and Chrysler and freeing up the cash it needs to stay out of the government bailout cookie jar.

March 5, 2009

Punditry: The top five Fiats that Chrysler needs now

Fiat's recent offer to link up with Chrysler could be silver lining within the Carpocalypse's clouds of doom.

Under the proposed deal, Chrysler gets its cash-starved mitts on Fiat's la bella machinas. And Fiat grabs a minority stake in Chrysler and dibs on Chrysler's distributors and dealerships.

We would get a heaping helping of la dolce automobili, but which cars would head stateside? Presuming all goes well, here's my list of the five Fiats that would save Chrysler's bacon.